Highly Sensitive People (HSP) Counseling

“You cry too much.”

“You’re too sensitive.”


“There’s nothing to be upset about.”

You’ve heard this too many times- and it hurts Every. Single. Time.

You often feel overwhelmed, anxious or frazzled, and you’ve always been able to feel what others are feeling. But no one seems to understand you.

If this sounds like you, you might be a Highly Sensitive Person:

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  • You’re a planner. You like to keep your life organized and predictable.

  • Your feelings get hurt easily.

  • You’re easily brought to tears (music, art, movies, poems can bring you to tears).

  • You feel a strong connection with nature.

  • People often come to you for advice and comfort.

  • You consider yourself a very empathetic person.

  • You feel very deeply- including sadness, joy and anger. You can even feel the emotions of others.

  • You value alone time.

  • Horror movies, and even the news give you nightmares.

You’ve spent your entire life trying to hide your sensitivity. You want to be like everyone else.

You notice everything- the annoying tag at the back of your shirt, the sock seam that irritates your toes, your coworker’s new perfume, the bright fluorescent lights that don’t seem to bother anyone else, and even the slight curl in your partner’s upper lip.

You feel like the odd woman out because no one understands you. The world feels harsh and invalidating. Even your family and loved ones have difficulty understanding why you get upset, why you feel tired, or why you need alone time.

And this is where I come in because most therapists in Houston have no clue what high sensitivity is. (We don’t learn it in graduate school!)

Therapy or counseling for high sensitivity

By the way, sensitivity is NOT a bad thing. I call it a super power. I get it. As your HSP counselor in Houston, I’m a Highly Sensitive Person too!

You’re not alone!

In a fast paced and aggressive world, it might be difficult for a Highly Sensitive Person like you to find your fit.

To find out if you’re a Highly Sensitive Person, take this self test quiz by Dr Elaine Aron.

HSP counseling in Houston can help you:

Find Self Acceptance

With therapy or counseling in Houston, you’ll learn more about your highly sensitive trait so that you can finally find self acceptance and you can teach others how to respect how you are wired.

Learn how to develop and maintain rewarding relationships

You’ll learn how to develop healthy, rewarding relationships (HSPs can have amazing, respectful relationships too) where you feel seen, accepted and honored.

Manage your career with ease

You’ll also learn how to manage work and career so that you can continue to be the high achiever that you are and pursue your passions without the burn out.

Set healthy boundaries

Finally, you’ll learn how to set healthy boundaries (learn to say “No”) and create a self care plan so that you can recharge and continue to use your gifts to help yourself and others.

Learn how to take care of yourself…

So that you don’t have to be exhausted all the time.

These are all the amazing things you can learn through HSP therapy in Houston.

If you are ready to let go of the anxiety, learn how to be yourself and stand up for yourself as a Highly Sensitive Person, click here to schedule a free 15-minute consultation call. You deserve an authentic life.