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How to sleep better at night naturally
Have you ever wondered how you can finally cure your insomnia without pills or expensive remedies? Well, after visiting your doctor to ensure that your airways and overall health are good, it’s time to take insomnia by the horns, so to speak. Here are some simple tips to help you sleep better at night naturally:
Have you ever wondered how you can finally cure your insomnia without pills or expensive remedies? Well, after visiting your doctor to ensure that your airways and overall health are good, it’s time to take insomnia by the horns, so to speak. Here are some simple tips to help you sleep better at night naturally:
1) Dim the lights in the evening: Our natural sleep cycles are actually quite dependent on light. This is why people in regions where the sun doesn't shine much often struggle with poor quality sleep. As the evening progresses, begin to close your blinds and/or dim your lights if possible. This sends a signal to your brain that it is time to begin to wind down. This is no different than how we raise babies. We typically put them in dim rooms as the evening progresses so that they learn that dim light means sleep time.
2) Avoid super spicy foods for dinner: This doesn't apply to everyone, but for some, spicy foods can cause heart burn and all types of stomach discomfort. So if you struggle with heart burn or gas because of specific foods, make a list of all your no go foods and ensure that you don’t eat them for dinner. That way your body has a chance to actually be at peace when you lay down at night.
3) Stop working in your bedroom: Yes, I know we live in a very busy, multitasking world, but the problem with having your bedroom double as an office, is that your bedroom becomes a cue for work, rather than rest. To break it down, if you use your bedroom for work, your brain gets so used to working in that space that when it’s bedtime, it becomes difficult to switch from work mode to rest mode. Imagine how you feel when you walk into the office. Your brain lights up and lets you know that it’s time to get work done. And the ideal situation you should be aiming for, is for your brain to get the memo that it’s sleep time the moment you walk into your bedroom at night. The solution? Pick another room in the house to be your office. Or consider going to the library, a coffee shop or even a co-working space to get work done. Your bedroom should be used for sleep, rest and sex alone.
4) Spend the last hour before bedtime just relaxing: If you struggle with poor quality sleep, you have to train your body to learn how to relax. Chances are not getting enough sleep has you on edge. When you’re laying down at night staring at the ceiling, you probably aren’t thinking of warm, fuzzy thoughts. So set some time apart each day to just relax. You can cozy up to a good book (I prefer paperback over e-readers, as e-readers produce melatonin inhibiting blue light), spend some time in prayer, practice yoga, drink some herbal tea, do some light cleaning, chat with a friend on the phone, or engage in any sort of gentle activity. You want your body to slowly begin to wind down before you jump into bed at night. Having a nighttime routine every day is a gentle reminder to your body to shut down at the same time each night.
5) Limit noise in the evening: To create a relaxing environment, limit noise within your home or bedroom when bedtime is approaching. Maybe even turn off the news, which can be quite triggering for some, and put on your favorite relaxing music. I’d also say to stay away from heated or spirited conversations in the evening so you can go to bed feeling peaceful and ready to relax.
6) Notice the negative thoughts you have about sleep: Many insomniacs have a very negative view of sleep. And it makes sense because insomnia can really produce a pessimistic view of sleep. If you find that you are dreading your bedroom at the end of the night, it’s time to begin to work on changing your thoughts about sleep. Some important facts to note about insomnia are that:
-It’s treatable. CBT for insomnia is actually much more effective than sleep medications.
-Begin with positive affirmations to help you combat those negative thoughts about sleep.
-You can seek help from a professional who is trained to treat insomnia so that you can begin to work on your thoughts and attitude towards sleep.
And if you have tried every possible remedy, but insomnia is still a thorn in your flesh, considered CBT for insomnia. In as little as 5 to 7 sessions, you can go from insomniac to normal sleeper. click here to schedule a free 15-min consultation to see if CBT for insomnia in the Murrieta/Temecula area and online is right for you.
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Find out the 5 myths about insomnia that are keeping you awake anyhow YOU can finally sleep!
What exactly is insomnia?
I’ve heard quite a lot of people say “I have insomnia,” but did you know that not everyone who struggles with sleep actually has insomnia? According to the National Sleep Foundation, insomnia can be described as “Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, even when a person has the chance to do so.” Insomnia can either be acute or chronic.
Acute insomnia occurs for a short period of time, and is often because of something happening in your life. For example, a new baby, a relocation, temporary change in your work schedule, short term stress or a death in the family. After the stressful situation has passed, your sleep will sometimes return to normal.
Chronic insomnia on the other hand, is insomnia that occurs about three times a week and lasts for about three months. This is typically the type of insomnia that I see in my practice. Sometimes this type of insomnia is caused by physical health problems, anxiety, depression, medication side effects, or even one’s environment. Individuals with chronic insomnia often feel frustrated and discouraged from the constant lack of sleep. They might notice impairment in their work and it could even affect their relationships and energy levels.
Now that you know about acute and chronic insomnia, let’s talk about the criteria for insomnia according to the DSM 5, which is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition. It’s essentially the encyclopedia for mental health disorders:
A) Being dissatisfied with the quantity or quality of sleep and with the following symptoms:
1) Difficulty initiating sleep.
2) Difficulty maintaining sleep (waking up frequently and having difficulty going back to sleep upon awakening).
3) Waking up early in the morning and not being able to go back to sleep.
B. The disturbance in sleep causes a significant impairment in your social, educational or occupational functioning. This means you might be falling asleep at work, you might not go out with friends because you’re too tired or you might make mistakes at work.
C. The difficulty with sleep occurs for at least 3 nights a week.
D. The difficulty with sleep occurs for at least 3 months.
E. Difficulty sleeping despite opportunities to sleep. This means even though you have a cozy bed and an opportunity to lay down, you still are unable to sleep. This is quite different from someone who cannot sleep because he or she does not have a place to sleep due to homelessness, war or an unsafe situation.
F. The insomnia cannot be explain by another sleep disorder (such as narcolepsy or a breathing disorder). Sometimes one might think one has insomnia, but upon visiting the doctor, you might realize that you have problems with your breathing or you might even have another sleep disorder, which better explains your sleep woes.
G. The sleep disturbance isn’t being caused by substance use. Some substances such as alcohol or stimulants might actually keep you up for long periods of time or disturb your sleep long term.
H. Other mental health disturbances aren’t causing the difficulty sleeping. Sometimes other mental health disorders such as generalized anxiety, phobias, panic disorder, depression or Bipolar disorder could better explain the reason why you’re not sleeping.
So there you have it. A detailed explanation of what insomnia is. If you have read through the above criteria, and you believe you are struggling with insomnia, there is hope. CBT for insomnia is the gold standard for insomnia treatment. If you’re in the Murrieta/Temecula area and you’re ready to get the best sleep of your life, call 951-905-3181 for your free 15 minute phone consultation to see if CBT for insomnia is right for you. I also provide online insomnia treatment for people within California. Get the sleep you deserve now.
Ready to finally sleep?
Find out the 5 myths about insomnia that are keeping you awake- and how YOU can finally sleep!
Do this to sleep like a baby at night
I have always been a big believer in self advocacy. When you struggle with insomnia, it's important to try out different avenues so that you can perhaps figure out the cause of your insomnia. Here are 6 things you can do to help you sleep better at night.
I have always been a big believer in self advocacy. When you struggle with insomnia, it's important to try out different avenues so that you can perhaps figure out the cause of your insomnia. Here are 6 things you can do to help you sleep better at night.
1) Ask your doctor about your medications: Some medications can change your sleep cycle. If you are currently on any medications, it's important to have a discussion with your prescribing physician about how your medications could be affecting your sleep. But if you don't talk to your physician about sleep patterns, you could continue to struggle with sleep. Sometimes a little self advocacy cab go a long way.
Concerned about your sleep meds? Read more about sleep medication here. Insomnia and sleep Insomnia chronicles: The scary truth about those sleeping pills you take
2) Try journaling: Often times, anxiety or worries can bring on sleeplessness. If your mind is spinning around with worry thoughts, it is going to be difficult to get good quality sleep. About 30 minutes to an hour before your bed time, sit in a quiet spot and write out what's bothering you. Some people like to write in full sentences, while others use bullet points. If you're creative, you could even draw how you feel or write some poetry about it. The point of journaling is to wrap up your day and get your worries out on paper, so they stop swimming around in your head.
While journaling, if important tasks for the next day pop up in your mind, it's also a great time to create a to do list for the next day.
3) Avoid alcohol, nicotine and caffeine a few hours before bedtime: It is an erroneous thought to believe that a 'night cap' is actually helpful for sleep. Actually, alcohol, nicotine and caffeine can interrupt your sleep patterns and worsen your insomnia. In the case of caffeine, it has a half life of 5 hours. This means it takes 5 hours for half the amount of caffeine you drink to be fully metabolized (absorbed) into your system. If you drink multiple cups of coffee throughout the day, you are essentially layering more and more caffeine in your body. So, by night time, chances are all that caffeine is still in there keeping you awake.
And if you find yourself awake late at night, click here to read about Insomnia tips: 10 things to do when you can't sleep at night
4) Practice relaxation about an hour before bedtime: The concept is simple- a relaxed mind is calm, and calmness helps you sleep. But a worried and harried mind is a bad environment for sleep. Remember that your mind and your body are connected. About an hour before bedtime, do something relaxing. Some examples are yoga, medication, prayer, stretches, breathing techniques or listening to soothing music. Let's not forget your sense of smell. Try using a drop of your favorite essential oil and also putting on soft, cozy pajamas. It would also help if your sheets are cool, clean and soft. To help your sense of sight, dim the lights or close the blinds, so that your body's sleep mechanism can also be triggered.
5) Take a nap: Many people who struggle with insomnia or sleep disorders often feel a dip in energy in the middle of the day. If your schedule permits, try taking one 30-minute nap in the middle of the day. This helps to recharge you, but doesn't get you so awake that you cannot sleep at night. Although naps can be beneficial, avoid napping in the evening or too close to bedtime. If you do this, you'll be wide awake at night.
There you have it. 5 easy tips to help you sleep like a baby. And if you're a woman in Murrieta or Temecula who has struggled with insomnia, and you're ready to sleep soundly again, click here to schedule a free 15 minute consultation call to see if CBT for insomnia is the right treatment for your insomnia. I also provide online sessions for women throughout California.
ready to finally sleep?
Find out the 5 myths about insomnia that are keeping you awake- and how YOU can finally sleep!
Insomnia chronicles: What to do in the evening when you can't sleep
Insomnia is a huge pain. But if you struggle with insomnia, you already know that. But did you know that there are some strategies you could use to help prepare your mind for sleep so that you're not eternally banished to a frustrating night of tossing and turning?
Insomnia is a huge pain. But if you struggle with insomnia, you already know that. But did you know that there are some strategies you could use to help prepare your mind for sleep so that you're not eternally banished to a frustrating night of tossing and turning? Here are some things you could do in the evening to begin to wind down before bedtime. The goal is not necessarily to wear yourself out. The goal is simply to help your mind begin to shut down, so that you can have a relaxing night of sleep.
Listen to slow, relaxing music: In this social media age, most of us have our phones glued to our hands 24 hours of the day. But if you read my previous post about the 5 habits that keep your insomnia going strong, you already know that the blue light that our electronic devices emit, actually prevents our brains from producing the right sleep chemicals at the right time. Translation: Your phone might be preventing you from sleeping. So what should you do to help you wind down at night? Listen to soothing music. The emphasis is on soothing. Ensure that the music does not drum up any difficult feelings of anger, sadness or hurt. The last thing you want is to go to bed feeling enraged or sad. Perhaps something soft and instrumental will help your brain know that it's time to shut off the day's worries, and it will begin to get ready to sleep. If you find yourself drifting off to sleep when you're listening to music, then you know you're on the right track.
Knit, sew or quilt: Yes, I know, very few people actually knit, sew or quilt these days, but these are gentle, relaxing activities that don't take much thought. You want to avoid activities that make you think or worry right before going to bed. Why? Because you'll end up tossing and turning as you ponder all night. The point is you don't want to lay in bed for hours on end before it's your actual bedtime, so find a calming activity to tide you over until it's time to lay in the bed. Avoid just laying in bed for hours on end. Not only is it frustrating, it makes your insomnia worse. And if you absolutely don't knit, sew or quilt, find something else soothing that doesn't involve a TV, phone or tablet. Remember these electronic devices emit blue light that can worsen your insomnia or make it harder for you to sleep.
Organize old books, pictures and clothes: Insomnia and other sleep disorders are tricky. You might feel exhausted during the day, but then when it's finally time to sleep at night, you lay wide awake. So instead of dragging yourself to bed at 6pm, stay up a little longer and do something productive. Organize old books, pictures or maybe even your closet. If you're a fan of Marie Kondo- the great organizing queen- then you know all about how to fold and tidy up. And if you've never heard of Marie Kondo, just do a quick Google search to find out how to tidy up your entire home. The bonus part of tidying up is that a tidy bedroom actually helps you feel more relaxed. And a relaxed mind is the perfect recipe for good sleep.
Take a bath or a shower: In an ideal world, your body temperature should rise in the morning when the sun comes up. This triggers your brain to wake up. Your temperature climbs steadily until evening time, when the sun goes down. After the sun sets, your body temperature begins to fall. This signals your body to begin to release melatonin, which helps you sleep. To help you get ready to sleep, try taking a cool shower. Of course, nothing too chilly- you don't want to catch a cold. Perhaps a warm shower to help your body temperature begin to drop. If you're a fan of baths, get some relaxing music, a few drops of essential oils, grab a good book, and soak in the tub. This will help you forget the worries of the day and prepare your body for sleep.
Make your lunch for the next day: And if you absolutely cannot quiet your mind after taking a shower, you might as well begin to prep for the next day. Evening time is a great time to pack lunches for the kids, cut up vegetables for the next day or even prep breakfast for the next day. When you wake up the next morning with lots of free time on your hands, your body will thank you.
And if you'd like to learn a lot more habits to help you sleep, click here to learn more about 5 habits that could help you sleep.
If you happen to have narcolepsy, which is another sleep disorder, check out this really informative infographic on how to be a successful student with narcolepsy.
What do you like to do in the evening to keep insomnia away? And if you're a woman struggling with insomnia, click here to schedule a free 15 minute consultation call to see if CBT for insomnia treatment in Murrieta is the right one for you. In as little as 2 months, you can go from frustrated insomniac to sleeping like a log. I also provide online sessions to women throughout California. Call now.
ready to fall asleep?
Find out the 5 myths about insomnia that are keeping you awake and how YOU can finally sleep!
5 Habits to help manage your insomnia
Insomnia can really be a real pain. Tossing and turning before you're able to fall asleep is very aggravating. Perhaps you've tried sleeping pills, but maybe you don't want to have to take a pill before you get some shut eye. Well, here are a few tips to help you drift off to sleep faster:
1) Create a restful nighttime routine: Many of us come back home from work in the evening, then continue to be busy, and then try to fall asleep after that. Your body needs to gradually transition from busy mode to rest mode. Your body needs a sign that it's time to begin to release the melatonin you need to become sleepy. Create a solid calming night time routine for yourself. This sleepy time routine is a great way to send your body that signal it needs. Choose any activity that feels soothing to you. It could include relaxing with a nice book, listening to some soothing music, drinking a cup of caffeine free tea (caffeine will keep you up, so avoid this at night), soaking in the tub or doing a light stretch. It doesn't really matter which activity you choose- as long as it's relaxing and calm.
2) Exercise at the right time: I'm sure by now you've heard that you need to exercise for about 30 minutes a day to keep you healthy. Well, did you also know that exercising 3 to 6 hours before bed time could actually improve your sleep? Well, it's partly because there is a correlation between your body temperature and your sleep cycles. An average sleeper has a higher body temperature during the day and a lower body temperature in the evening. Exercise helps increase your body temperature- and of course it helps your body release endorphins (happy hormones). So not only would exercising at the right times help regulate your body temperature, it could also boost your mood. A win win for sure.
3) Keep your home cool in the evening: When your body temperature begins to fall in the evening, it signals your body to produce melatonin- the sleep hormone. However, if your body temperature is still too high, your body doesn't know that it's supposed to prepare for sleep. To give your body a competitive edge, ensure that your home is cool in the evenings so that your body temperature can also fall to the appropriate level. So, a warm body signals your brain to wake up, and a cool body signals the brain to begin to shut down for the night.
4) Make your bedroom cozy and inviting: You work hard all day, and then you completely ignore the little things when you get back home. Your bedroom should be a place of relaxation. Think of it like your own personal spa. When you walk into a spa, the light is usually dim, it's quiet, it smells great and the temperature is nice and cool. It doesn't have to cost you much to recreate that effect. Make sure your sheets and clean, get a bottle of essential oils to get you relaxed (lavender is usually a great choice), dim your lights in the evening and maybe even play sounds of nature or some other relaxing sound. The goal is to create a comfortable environment so that your mind begins to relax the moment you walk into your bedroom. If your bedroom is cluttered and messy, chances are you won't find it relaxing enough to sleep- especially if you're already struggling with insomnia.
5) Avoid electronics an hour before bedtime: I know we are the social media generation. While social media is a great way to socialize and learn the latest gossip, those phone screens do nothing good for insomnia. Phones, tablets and televisions all emit blue light. Blue light disrupts the production of melatonin- the sleep hormone. Without an appropriate level of melatonin in your body you just won't be able to sleep well. If you phone or tablet becomes a temptation, try storing it away from your bed. Don't keep it on your nightstand- as it's too easy to reach in the middle of the night Some people even keep their phones in another room so that they don't reach for it in the middle of the night.
And if you'd like to learn a lot more habits to help you sleep, click here to learn more.
Now that you know 5 easy steps to manage your insomnia, start implementing them and let me know how it goes. If you're ready to finally kick insomnia out of your life, click here to schedule a free 15 minute consultation call to see if CBT for Insomnia is the right treatment for your sleep problems. Remember, there is help for your insomnia, you just have to reach out. I also offer online sessions for clients throughout California.
ready to finally sleep?
Find out the 5 myths about insomnia that are keeping you awake- and how YOU can FINALLY sleep!
5 Benefits of CBT for Insomnia
It is estimated by the National Institutes of Health that about 30 percent of the general population have some struggles with sleep. That equals to millions of people who can't fall asleep or stay asleep every single day. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT for Insomnia or CBT-I) is one of the leading treatments for insomnia in the United States. If you're considering getting some help for your sleep struggles, here are some of the benefits of CBT for Insomnia.
It is estimated by the National Institutes of Health that about 30 percent of the general population have some struggles with sleep. That equals to millions of people who can't fall asleep or stay asleep every single day. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT for Insomnia or CBT-I) is one of the leading treatments for insomnia in the United States. If you're considering getting some help for your sleep struggles, here are some of the benefits of CBT for Insomnia.
If you want to find out more about CBT for Insomnia treatment in Murrieta, click here.
Short term treatment: No one wants to go through months or years of treatment before there is a solution to their sleep or insomnia problem. The great thing about CBT for Insomnia is that treatment is complete in as little as 6 to 8 weeks. That's it! No gimmicks, no injections, no magic tricks. If you actually follow the plan that is laid before you by your therapist or sleep specialist, you can find relief in less than 2 months. CBT for Insomnia is actually based off of years of research. It's been researched and/or used by Harvard University, The US Department of Veterans Affairs, The Mayo Clinic, Stanford Medicine, amongst others. If the plan is followed closely, you'll actually experience relief.
CBT for Insomnia could help you get off sleeping pills: No one likes to take sleeping pills. Typically, people take them because they think it's their only option. However, the problem with sleeping pills is that they don't actually cure insomnia. They might help you fall asleep for the night, but then the next night, you'll have to take yet another one. This happens night after night, until your body starts to become dependent on the sleep medication. So what starts off as a harmless pill to help you go to sleep, might actually end up in a near addiction. During your CBT-I treatment, your therapist will work closely with your prescribing physician so that you can be safely tapered off of sleep medications.
Works on improving your core negative sleep thoughts: Anyone who has ever struggled with insomnia or any other sleep disorder, knows that night time is dreadful. Your mind begins to fill with thoughts such as "I hate my bedroom." "I cannot believe I'm just laying here tossing and turning." "If I don't get enough sleep tonight I'm going to be exhausted tomorrow." The truth is, these thoughts don't actually cause insomnia-like some people erroneously think- the thoughts are simply triggered by laying awake in discomfort for hours.
When you work with a therapist who is trained in CBT for Insomnia, you'll learn how to challenge these negative sleep thoughts and replace them with more realistic, positive sleep thoughts. The principle is simple. Your thoughts directly affect your feelings, which then affect your behavior. So if you have negative thoughts about sleep, you become frustrated or sad at night, which then maintains your insomnia. But once you learn how to change those thoughts, your feelings about sleep become more positive, you look forward to night time, and your body becomes much more relaxed- enabling you to sleep better.
Can be customized to meet your needs: CBT-I is a customized process. When you begin your treatment, your therapist will take a thorough assessment to figure out what your sleep patterns are, what your environment looks like, what your typical schedule is, as well as other emotional factors that might be affecting you. Based on your honest responses, you'll both work together to come up with a weekly plan of action to help you improve your insomnia. It's never a one size fits all approach.
Sleep plan is very easy to follow: After your initial assessment with your therapist, you'll work with him or her to come up with a weekly plan of action. Each day, you'll spend about 5 minutes working on the sleep plan. It's easy to follow- even for those with very busy schedules or chronic insomnia struggles.
If you have been struggling to fall asleep or stay asleep for 2 to 3 nights a week, for over a month, you might have insomnia. Click here to schedule a free 15 minute consultation call to see if CBT for Insomnia treatment in Murrieta is right for you.
Don't let insomnia take over your life. You can get relief. If you are too far away from the Murrieta or Temecula area, I also offer online sessions within California.
ready to finally sleep?
Find out the 5 insomnia myths that have kept you awake- and how YOU can FINALLY sleep!
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